music by Kanaris Keramaris
kanaris keramaris
B i o g r a p h y
He was born in 1976 in Alexandroupoli - Greece. In 1993 he enters the State Conservatoire of Thessaloniki where next year he also presents, for the first time, his work. In 1995 he is registered in the Department of Musical Studies of the School of Fine Arts of Aristotle University (he studies musicology and musical pedagogics). In 2001 he completes his studies on music theory with professors Mr Grimaldi (degree of Harmony) and Mr Siempi (counterpoint and fuge), and on piano (Diploma) with prof. P. Georgiades. In 2003 he graduates from the Music Department and he is registered in the Sector of Composition of the same department, where he studied composition with prof. Michalis Lapidakis. In 2008 he is registered in Kingston University in London studying composition with Paul Archbold (MA by research in composition that follows the structure of an abstract video, 2010).
He has attended courses of piano, composition and analysis of music with W. Rihm, P. Dusapin, Ch. Hatzis, G. Kouroupos, J.M. Lopez-Lopez, N. Osborne, G. Staebler, C. Antoniou, Kunsu Shim, M. Traulos, K. Siempis, Al. Baltas, T. Simaku, G. Hatzinikos, D. Dimopoylos, J. Papadatos, N. Kypoyrgos (music for film and theatre) e.t.c. He has also attended courses of composition of electracoustic music with P. Kokora and webseminar with Hans Zimmer (film music).
In December 2006 he took part in the 1st Workshop of Modern Music in the Concert Hall of Thessaloniki with his work "Concert for 8 instrumentalists". The work extracted praise and was distinguished as one of the best in the Workshop. In May 2007, in the frame of an educational program, organized by the Opera of Thessaloniki, he composed and presented the children's opera "the bull that played pipiza" based on the homonym tale of Eygenios Trivizas. In 2008 his opera “The guilty duck” passed to the final stage of a competition organized by the Opera of Thessaloniki. In 2009 his piece “The mirror” was awarded at the international composition competition “Synthermia 2009”.
Since 2007 he collaborates with artists, authors and directors such as Stauros Panagiotakis, Panos Arvanitakis (Fossils), Vasilis Tsikaras (Exodos 1826), Morteza Jafari (Under the city’s skin), Arian Kotsi, Dimitris Adamis, Anastasia Asteriou, Nikos Koumarias, Korina Vasiliadou, Fotis Simeonides (I love you censored), George Savoglou, Stauroula Dokou, Vasilis Moralis, Giorgos Dimoglou, XeniaTserepi,Christina Vasilakou, Olga Sehidou, Nina Zafiriou, Lila Stogiani, writing music for books(+cd), theater and films. Many of the films he participated in as a composer were screened in Greece and abroad
In 2018 he completes his first big album "Νανουρίσματα και ξυπνήματα" (Lullabies,book-cd, Varfis publications) perforemed by well-known singers such as: Pantelis Thalassinos, Savina Giannatou, Lizeta Kalimeri, Thodoris Kotonias, Sofia Avramidou, Elsa Mouratidou, Dimitris Trichakis and others.
His works have been performed in Greece, U.S.A, France, Germany and England. His music is released by Dissonance records, En plo editions and Varfis editions. His music is also available on all digital platforms. Since 2020 the composer is represented by MUSICENTRY (GR)